Monthly Archives: July 2019

How is Property Divided in a Florida Divorce?
In a Florida divorce, assets and debts acquired by the couple are divided fairly between the two spouses. If the two parties can come to an agreement on their own and it is fair, a judge will likely approve that agreement. When the couple cannot agree how assets and liabilities are split, a judge… Read More »

What Are Criminal Mischief Laws in Florida?
Criminal mischief in Florida, also sometimes referred to as vandalism, occurs when a person intentionally and maliciously destroys the property of another person. Criminal mischief is charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the value of property damage done. Many people think criminal mischief is a relatively minor crime. However, the… Read More »

Is that Money from Your Ex’s Family a Gift or a Loan?
Helping out family financially is a common way of supporting loved ones. When a couple first marries, this support may be especially necessary to set up a new household or get settled into married life. These exchanges are usually given and received with appreciation and gratitude, and the specifics of how the giver views… Read More »

What Is the Purpose of a Deposition in Divorce?
The divorce process is scary and overwhelming for many spouses because they do not understand the legal procedures that go along with moving a petition through the court system. The mysteriousness of the legal process often increases during the discovery stage of a divorce case, which is the period each side is allowed to… Read More »