Monthly Archives: March 2022

How Are Assets Divided In A Florida Divorce?
Dividing assets during divorce is sometimes very challenging. When significant assets are involved, or the divorce is very contentious, it becomes even more complicated. If you are getting a divorce in Florida, it is critical that you know how assets are divided so you know what to expect and so you can try to… Read More »

Recurring False Domestic Violence Charges? What are Your Options?
Guest blog: Here’s an alarming statistic: approximately 7,000 people are falsely charged with domestic violence each year. While domestic violence is undeniably a serious crime, there are instances when someone is wrongly accused of the crime for one reason or another. For instance, some spouses resort to reporting false claims of physical and emotional… Read More »

What Qualifies You For Alimony In FL?
When getting a divorce, it is not uncommon for one spouse to consider asking for alimony. Contrary to what many people think, alimony is not only awarded to women in divorce cases. Either spouse can make a request for alimony if they are unable to support themselves during the divorce, or afterwards. If you… Read More »

Can You Date While Going Through A Divorce In Florida?
Divorce is always an extremely difficult process for anyone to go through. Many people need to take time to mourn the loss of the life they once knew and prepare for the future. These individuals have no interest in getting back into the dating scene again. Others though, have known their marriage is over… Read More »

Can A Divorce Be Denied?
There are many complications that can come up during the divorce process. The last thing you want to worry about is whether your divorce can be denied and the process stopped altogether. If you are the one starting the divorce process, your spouse cannot stop it from happening. Although they can make it more… Read More »

How Much Is A Divorce If Both Parties Agree?
It is no secret that divorce always has the potential to be expensive. It is no surprise then, that couples often wonder how they can keep those costs down. Generally speaking, the more the two parties disagree, the more expensive the divorce process is. As such, getting an uncontested divorce, or one in which… Read More »

What Is A Habitual Traffic Offender?
In Florida, a person may be considered a habitual traffic offender (HTO) when they have a certain number of traffic offenses on their record during a certain period of time. If you are given HTO status, your driver’s license may be revoked for up to five years. Fortunately, it is possible to have this… Read More »