Monthly Archives: April 2018

Vacationing with Children after Divorce
Vacations, i.e., time away from the distractions and demands of work, school, and other obligations, are important for family bonding in general, but especially crucial for parents trying to juggle the strictures of a time-sharing schedule into the mix. A child custody order must include a parenting plan that outlines how decision-making responsibilities will… Read More »

Options for Getting a Spouse Out of the Home
When a relationship starts to go south and spouses begin to consider getting divorced, an early question in this process is often who will stay in the family home and who will leave. This issue can become a huge point of contention, as both spouses likely have rights to be in the home, usually… Read More »

Divorce, Finances, and Buying a New Home
Divorce forces each spouse to undergo a number of changes as they transition from sharing everything as a couple to being a single, unattached adult. These dramatic shifts in the dynamics of a family require reshuffling responsibilities and refiguring monthly budgets that account for the reduction in manpower and financial resources. In other words,… Read More »

Termination of Parental Rights
Parenting is one of the greatest joys that most people will ever experience, and the law recognizes the special relationship between parent and child by making it very difficult to remove a person’s parental rights once established. Parents are given a great amount of leeway to decide how to raise their children, including who… Read More »