Monthly Archives: September 2023

Can You Get Divorced Without Your Spouse’s Consent in Tampa, Florida?
Even if you and your spouse both agree that it is time to end your marriage, divorce is an extremely difficult thing for anyone to go through. However, when you want to get a divorce and your spouse does not, it can bring additional challenges. Fortunately, it is possible to get a divorce without… Read More »

Are Injury Settlements Considered Marital Assets in a Tampa Florida Divorce?
Florida is an equitable distribution state, meaning that marital assets in divorce are divided fairly, and that does not always mean they are divided equally. Marital assets include property that was obtained during the marriage. When one spouse was hurt due to another person’s negligence during the marriage, they may have obtained a personal… Read More »

Florida Firearm FAQs
The Second Amendment grants most Americans the right to own firearms but like most laws, the matter is a bit more complex than that. It is important for all Floridians to understand the state and federal laws that govern firearms, so they do not find themselves facing charges. The law on firearms is confusing… Read More »

Need a Tampa Divorce Attorney? Here are Four Things to Look For
If you have already made the decision to end your marriage, or you have only started thinking about divorce, you need an attorney. State law does not require that you have legal representation when getting a divorce, but a lawyer will make sure your rights are upheld and help you obtain the fair settlement… Read More »

How Long Do You Have to Separate Before Divorcing in Florida?
Getting a divorce is always extremely stressful and you will feel a wide array of emotions throughout your case. Still, divorce is a legal process and you must meet many different requirements before you can obtain a divorce in Tampa. These requirements can add another layer of confusion as you go through this difficult… Read More »

Three Factors that Could Jeopardize Your Parenting Time In Florida
It makes sense that certain behaviors, such as child abuse or a substance abuse problem, could place your parenting time at risk if you have split with your child’s other parent. However, there are other factors that are not so egregious, but that could also negatively affect how much time you are able to… Read More »