Monthly Archives: October 2020

How to Get a High Net Worth Divorce?
Divorce is a difficult process for anyone going through it. For affluent couples that have a high net worth, however, the process is much more complicated. High net worth couples often jointly own real estate, businesses, and other assets. A couple may also own trust funds, oil and gas royalties, and executive compensation packages…. Read More »

How Will Adultery Affect a Divorce?
Studies have shown that adultery is the cause of approximately 20 to 40 percent of all divorces in the United States. If you or your spouse has been unfaithful and it has resulted in the end of your marriage, you are likely wondering how the infidelity will affect your divorce proceedings. Florida is a… Read More »

What are Steps to Take After a DUI?
Being charged with a DUI is very scary, and you likely will not know the steps to take going forward with your case. The actions you take after a DUI charge are very important, as they may affect how the rest of your case proceeds. Below are the five most important steps to take… Read More »

What are Risks Doing Your Divorce Yourself?
Anyone that is getting a divorce can hop online these days and find a number of do-it-yourself forms and templates that can help guide them through their case. Seemingly, these websites make it very easy to get a divorce on your own. However, things are rarely as they seem, and that holds true for… Read More »