Monthly Archives: December 2018

Waiving Spousal Rights in Prenuptial or Other Marriage Agreements
People primarily get married for the love and compatibility they see in and feel for another person. However, there are a number of legal and practical rights and benefits spouses assume upon marriage. Some of the most valuable of these rights are not triggered until the spouses divorce or one dies, but the property… Read More »

The Complexities of Dividing a Business in Divorce
Sole proprietors and small entrepreneurs make up a significant percentage of the workforce in this country, and many of these businesses were both created during and benefited from contributions from a spouse and/or marriage generally. In divorce, the law requires couples to divide their assets, absent an agreement otherwise, and businesses are included in… Read More »

Does Florida Recognize Legal Separation?
Divorce is a big and final step that completely severs the legal ties between a couple, a step that not all spouses are ready to make. However, living together is not always a viable option either if the quality of the relationship is unhealthy or making one or both spouses unhappy. They may realize… Read More »

Negotiating a Parenting Plan
Parents seeking divorce have a large task in front of them, as they consider, negotiate, and settle on the terms that will govern child custody. Divorce is particularly hard for children, and trying to find the right balance that addresses the desires of both parents to have an active role in the child’s life… Read More »