Monthly Archives: June 2018

Home Equity Lines, Mortgages, and Divorce
Distinguishing and separating financial obligations are one of the most difficult parts of divorce. The longer a couple is married, the harder it is to figure out when and how many items of property were acquired or which funds were used to maintain them. Family homes and real estate in general is particularly tricky… Read More »

Who Wins: The Legal or Biological Father?
Recognition as a child’s legal parent, which is typically only an issue for a potential father (mothers automatically receive full custody rights following childbirth), is much more than a formality. Legal parents are the only individuals, without a court order, authorized to make decisions on a child’s behalf related to important matters, such as… Read More »

Special Issues for Same-Sex Divorce
Many same-sex couples are in the unique situation of having long-term relationships, but short-term marriages, because they were unable to marry nationwide until 2015. The legal prohibitions imposed by many states on the marriage of same-sex couples left millions of Americans in these relationships without the rights afforded by marriage, while also freeing them… Read More »

How to Deal with a Family Court Judge
Divorce is a nerve-wracking experience and full of critical decisions that affect numerous people. In addition, the legal process is mysterious and overwhelming to the average person unfamiliar with its procedure, and the sensitive nature of divorce often serves to increase anxiety about what to expect. One aspect that is particularly concerning to many… Read More »