Monthly Archives: December 2021

Florida Lawmakers Look To Expand DUI Laws
The new session for Florida’s legislature begins in January and lawmakers are expected to take up a new bill during that time. The bill would expand the DUI laws of the state and would be debated first in the House and then in the Senate. Currently, the language in the law makes it illegal… Read More »

What Should I Look For In A Tampa Bay Divorce Lawyer?
Whether you are just starting to consider divorce, or you and your partner have already decided to move forward with the process, it is critical to work with a Tampa Bay divorce lawyer. The decisions made during the divorce process will affect you for years to come and you need to have someone on… Read More »

How Can I Ensure Success In Mediation?
If you are getting a divorce in Florida, there is a chance that you will not have to face a lengthy courtroom battle. In the Sunshine State, mediation is often required to give couples a chance to reach an agreement on the terms of the divorce before they go to trial. Many people have… Read More »

What Should Be Included In A Parenting Plan in Tampa, Florida?
Any divorce case in Florida that involves children will require a parenting plan. Parents can agree to and create a plan on their own but if they cannot, the court will determine a parenting plan. It is not always easy for parents to create a parenting plan on their own. The court places certain… Read More »