What Are The Do’s And Do Not’s Of Time Sharing In Florida?

After two parents get a divorce, it is presumed that it is in the child’s best interests to spend time with each parent. Unless it would be harmful to the child, both parents should continue to share parental rights and responsibilities. During the divorce process, a time-sharing schedule is made and it outlines when each parent will spend time with the child.
The terms visitation and child custody are now known as time-sharing under Florida law, and it helps children to continue frequent contact with each parent. Time-sharing requires cooperation on the side of both parents, though, and it is not always successful. To ensure the arrangement works for everyone, our Tampa child custody attorney outlines some do’s and do not’s about time-sharing below.
The Do’s of Time-Sharing
To ensure time-sharing works for the entire family, there are some best practices parents can follow. These are as follows:
- Be prompt: Being on time for pick-ups and drop-offs will help reduce conflict between you and your former spouse. It will also help relieve stress for the child, as it will keep their schedule consistent.
- Provide balance: The time you share with your child is a chance to build your relationship, but that does not mean visits should only be about fun. Keep time-sharing visits as a normal part of life, full of fun things to do together as well as homework and your child’s other responsibilities.
- Remain flexible: Flexibility is a big part of time-sharing. Not only should you remain flexible with the other parent, but your child, too. For example, there will likely come a time when your child wants to do something during your time together, such as visit with one of their friends. Remain flexible and try to make arrangements that will work for both of you.
- Respect your former spouse: Time-sharing only works when both parents can remain respectful of each other. Provide notice when you will be late, and try to keep with the schedule as much as possible. Also never speak badly about the other parent in front of your child.
The Do Not’s of Time-Sharing
While there are plenty of things you can do to ensure time-sharing success, there are also some things you should avoid. These include:
- Use your child to communicate: When issues arise, such as child support disputes, do not place your child in the middle by asking them to speak to your former spouse about it. Make sure you and the other parent are the only people talking about adult matters.
- Make your child feel guilty: Let your child enjoy the time they spend with the other parent. Do not talk about how you are lonely without them, or communicate with them constantly while they are with the other parent.
- Bribe your child: Do not buy extravagant gifts for your child in an attempt to make up for lost time with them. Also do not allow your child to blackmail you by refusing time with you unless you purchase something for them.
Do Contact a Child Custody Attorney in Tampa
If you have a time-sharing issue involving establishing or modifying a schedule, our Tampa child custody attorneys at All Family Law Group, P.A. can assist with your case. Call us now at 813-672-1900 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation and to learn more about how we can help. Se habla Español.