Monthly Archives: December 2016

Do Step-parents Have the Authority to Make Legal Decisions for a Stepchild?
Divorce is especially hard on children because they rarely understand the reasons behind the decision, and only perceive the practical consequence that their parents do not live together anymore. Disputes over child custody and parental responsibility can particularly complicate things. While the child may struggle to adapt to this disruption in daily life, welcoming… Read More »

Figuring Out Property Division in Divorce
Part of a couple’s effort to build a life together includes acquiring property that speaks to the couple’s success and affection for one another. The longer a couple is married obviously affects the variety and amount of property they own together, and will represent the couple’s hard work and sacrifice. Having to split these… Read More »
Navigating the Holidays as a Divorced Parent
As much as the holidays are about spending time with family and friends, they also involve a lot of stress and hectic running from place to place. It often feels like there is not enough time to fit in everything, and losing track of scheduled obligations and promised attendance at holiday events is not… Read More »
Appealing a Divorce
The process of divorce can be a long and winding road, especially if children are involved. Consequently, when the divorce decree is finally issued, parties typically feel a sense of relief gained by the knowledge that they can now move past this period in their life. And, for most divorcing couples, the final divorce… Read More »