5 Mistakes To Avoid In Divorce

The divorce process can be a demanding one, even when the case is uncontested. Still, people sometimes become complacent and they fail to recognize the different elements that can go wrong. Even if you expect your divorce to proceed smoothly, it is still helpful to understand some of the most common errors made in divorce, and how to avoid them.
Keeping the Family Home when You Cannot Afford It
It is not uncommon for people to have a great sentimental attachment to the family home. The idea of letting it go is very upsetting. Unfortunately, in many cases, it does not make financial sense for one person to keep the home. You will likely start living off of one income instead of two and you will still have to pay the mortgage, property taxes, and the cost of maintaining the home. If you keep a home you cannot afford, it will only hurt you in the long run.
Failing to Create a Budget
Again, once the divorce process is over, and perhaps even before that, you will have to start living off a smaller income. Divorce is also sometimes an expensive process. To ensure you are in a position that is financially secure after the divorce, create a budget for when you are going through the process, and for when it is over.
Making Decisions to Spite Your Spouse
You will experience many different emotions during a divorce. Many people become spiteful or vengeful and may make rash decisions just to hurt their spouse. However, these decisions can also hurt you so always speak to a lawyer and ask for their legal recommendations so you can always make informed decisions.
Making Decisions Just to Get it Over With
Just as you should not make decisions just to spite your spouse, you also should never agree to anything just to end the process more quickly. For example, if a marital asset is rightfully yours, do not surrender it to your spouse in property division hearings just because you want to end the process.
Failing to Disclose All Assets
You must provide full disclosure about all of your assets and liabilities when going through a divorce. If your divorce is litigated, it will be up to a judge to determine which assets are marital and therefore, are also subject to division. If you fail to provide this full disclosure, you will face many penalties. A judge may also use it against you during the hearings, and award you less in marital assets.
Call Our Divorce Lawyers in Tampa Bay for Sound Legal Advice
If you are considering divorce, our Tampa divorce lawyers at All Family Law Group, P.A. will help you through the process and ensure no mistakes are made. Our skilled attorneys will negotiate aggressively on your behalf and ensure your best interests are protected so you obtain the fair settlement you deserve. Call us today at 813-672-1900 or fill out our online form to schedule a free consultation and to learn more about how we can help. Se habla Español.