Five Mistakes to Avoid When Getting a Divorce in Florida

Even if you and your spouse can agree to the different terms of divorce, the process can still be very difficult. Your emotions may run high and things can go wrong. This is more likely to happen if you make a mistake during the process, and this happens more often than many people think. If you are thinking about ending your marriage, it is critical that you know how to avoid these common mistakes. Below, one of our Tampa divorce attorneys outlines the most common mistakes made so you can obtain the fair settlement that is justly yours.
Fighting for the Family Home
Even at the beginning of the divorce process, you may already start to consider what property you want to keep. The family home is one of the biggest and most sentimental assets that must be divided during divorce and so, you may be tempted to fight for it. In many cases, though, it is better to let go of the family home rather than try to keep it.
Before you fight to keep the marital home, you must first determine whether you can afford to keep it. Take into consideration the mortgage, property taxes, insurance, and maintenance costs and then determine if keeping the home will fit within your budget.
Failing to Disclose Marital Property
Some people are so worried about losing certain types of marital property, that they do not provide full disclosure of assets. You are required to provide full disclosure of all marital property at the beginning of the process. If you fail to do this, the court may believe that you intentionally hid assets, which has serious repercussions.
Rushing a Settlement
The divorce process is sometimes a long one. If you have been going through a divorce for many months, you may be tempted to rush the process just to get it over with. You may even accept a settlement offer just to end proceedings. This is a mistake. By rushing a settlement, you may not end up with all the property you deserve and you could feel the negative impact for many years to come.
Being Spiteful
You might want to get revenge on your spouse, particularly if you believe they were at fault for the marriage ending. It is critical that you put these feelings aside when going through the divorce process. If you let your emotions guide you and make decisions based on spite, it could take even longer to reach a settlement. If you have to go through a divorce trial, being spiteful will also make you look bad in the eyes of the court.
Not Adjusting Your Budget
It is important to remember that during the divorce process, and afterwards, you will have to live off of one income instead of two. You must create a new budget to reflect your income and expenses so you can live within your means and prevent the divorce from ruining you financially.
Our Divorce Attorneys in Tampa Can Help You Avoid Mistakes
Any mistake made during the divorce process can hurt you for many years to come. At All Family Law Group, P.A., our Tampa divorce attorneys will make sure no mistakes are made in your case so you can move forward in your new life quickly, while still obtaining the fair settlement you deserve. Call us now at 813-672-1900 or contact us online to schedule a free review of your case and to get the information you need.