Why Has Facebook Caused So Many Divorces?

Ask anyone what the most common causes of divorce are and you will likely hear the same answers. Money, infidelity, and substance abuse are often the top leading causes of divorce. Now though, studies are showing another factor that is responsible for divorce and that is social media. More specifically, couples pointed to Facebook and said this platform was a major contributing factor in their divorce. So, why is social media causing so many divorces, and how can you protect yourself?
Why is Facebook Causing So Many Divorces?
A study conducted by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers showed that Facebook was the cause of an astounding 66 percent of divorces. The Journal of Cyberpsychology has also released studies showing similar trends. Clearly, those that use Facebook are more likely to risk their relationship than others, but why is that?
One of the reasons is that social media may help you connect with family and friends that live far away or that you have not seen for a long time. However, it also takes you away from people that are in the same room, perhaps even sitting right beside you. As people continue to turn away from their spouse and turn towards their phone, that is bound to have an impact on a marriage.
Facebook and other social media sites can also cause jealousy to grow between the couple. Although many connections on social media are innocent enough, people sometimes want to find exes that they were once in a relationship with, and that only causes jealousy to grow. A person may start going through the phone or computer of their spouse and read messages and posts that they misunderstand and that makes them suspicious. Even when their spouse tries to explain what they saw, it may already be too late.
How to Protect Yourself
While it may seem unlikely that a social media site such as Facebook can cause divorce, the studies show otherwise. To protect yourself, it is always important to talk about social media use at the beginning of a relationship and to set limits and boundaries, such as providing each other with a sense of privacy.
In the event that Facebook or any other social media site does cause problems within a marriage that ultimately lead to divorce, there are additional steps you can take to protect yourself. When going through a divorce, it is critical to stay off social media, and perhaps to remove any past posts that could hurt your case. Tampa Bay divorce lawyers often look at social media profiles trying to find something they can use against a person. For example, a picture of you drunk may be used against you to show that you cannot care for your children and so, should not be awarded child custody, when that is likely not the case.
Call Our Divorce Lawyers in Tampa Bay Today
If you are considering divorce, or the process has already started, our Tampa divorce lawyers at All Family Law Group, P.A. can help you secure the fair settlement you deserve. Call us today at 813-672-1900 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation and to learn more about how we can help.