Tag Archives: Distribution of assets and property

What Should I Do If My Spouse Empties My Bank Account?
Married couples often find it easier to hold all or some of their funds in a joint bank account. A joint bank account makes it easier for either spouse to pay bills and keep on top of the household’s finances. While a joint bank account is convenient during a marriage, though, it can pose… Read More »

What Happens To A Professional Practice Business In A Florida Divorce?
Other than parenting time and other issues involving children, property division issues are some of the most contentious in any divorce. Dividing assets can become fiercely contested in any divorce case, but the potential for dispute is even greater when complex assets, such as a professional practice, are involved. Professionals in Tampa, and throughout… Read More »
Handling Retirement Funds in a Divorce
Divorce comes with many decisions, some more complex than others. Some of the most difficult decisions revolve around distribution of assets. In Florida, property and other assets acquired during the marriage are considered marital assets, belonging to both parties. This generally includes any retirement assets accumulated in retirement or pension accounts. Many couples fail… Read More »
Resolving a High Net Worth Divorce
Going through a divorce is never easy. However, it often becomes much more complex and difficult when the couple has a high net worth. A high net worth divorce is usually complicated because the parties may have many investments and other assets that need to be accounted for and possibly divided in the divorce… Read More »
Divorce: Waiting Until the Holidays are Over
The holidays can be a difficult time for families, especially those who aren’t getting along. The holiday season is stressful and many people who are planning on divorce may wait until the New Year to begin the process. In fact, January is one of the busiest times of the year for divorces. Many people… Read More »
What’s Mine is Mine…Right?
One of the standard tasks in any Florida divorce involves separating the couple’s property. In some cases, the parties are able to accomplish this by agreement; that is, they determine themselves which one of them will take a particular piece of property. Where there is no agreement, the judge hearing the divorce action will… Read More »
What Happens when a Divorcing Couple Owns a Business?
When a couple divorces, Florida law requires that all of their marital property is divided equitably between them. Some types of assets and property are easier to divide than others. For example, liquid assets in bank accounts may simply be split between the spouses. However, other marital property, such as the family home, furniture,… Read More »