Tag Archives: Divorce Petition

Why are Women More Likely to Initiate Divorce Proceedings?
Many people believe it is usually men who initiate divorce proceedings, but this is a myth. According to a recent study that included more than 2,000 heterosexual couples, 70 percent of the women filed for divorce first. When a woman has post-secondary education, that number climbs to 90 percent. So, why are women more… Read More »

Why Has Facebook Caused So Many Divorces?
Ask anyone what the most common causes of divorce are and you will likely hear the same answers. Money, infidelity, and substance abuse are often the top leading causes of divorce. Now though, studies are showing another factor that is responsible for divorce and that is social media. More specifically, couples pointed to Facebook… Read More »

Mental Incapacity: The Lesser Known Basis for Divorce
Marriage requires compromise and acceptance of difficult situations if a couple wants it to last, and such sacrifice tends to increase as spouses age. People generally recognize that a spouse will change both physically and psychologically over time, and are willing to stay with the person despite these shifts. However, there may come a… Read More »
Traditional vs. Collaborative Divorce: Which Option Is Better for You?
Deciding to divorce is one of the most difficult and painful decisions most people will ever make. Coming to this conclusion is typically the result of a lot of discussion, personal reflection and failed efforts to improve the relationship. Once the decision is made, though, the logistics and practical considerations of getting divorced must… Read More »
Deciding Which Kind of Divorce Is Right for You
Any couple together long enough will go through difficult patches of time where one is out of sync with the other, and many discussions end in argument. Most of the time, moving past the rough period intact is possible. However, sometimes the problems are deeper than surface disagreements, making it impossible to stay together…. Read More »
Understanding a Simplified Divorce
In Florida, as in other states, the law provides a way to dissolve a marriage more easily, known as a simplified divorce. A simplified divorce is faster and easier than a standard divorce, however, couples must meet the stringent qualifications. Those who meet the criteria may save time and money with a simplified dissolution… Read More »