Tag Archives: Tampa Family Law Attorneys

Florida Custody & Visitation Laws for Unmarried Parents: A Guide
When unmarried parents separate, it can be challenging to establish fair custody and visitation rights without legal assistance. The use of terms like physical and legal custody can lead to confusion and disputes, making it essential to have a clear framework. Additionally, the terms custody and visitation have been replaced with ‘timesharing,’ although custody… Read More »

How Does Domestic Violence Impact Child Custody In Florida?
Florida law defines domestic violence as assault, battery, stalking, sexual abuse, kidnapping, or any other criminal offense committed by one family or household member to another that results in injury or death. In custody situations, family law judges presume that parents should share custody equally. However, the best interests of the child prevail in… Read More »

Negotiating a Parenting Plan
Parents seeking divorce have a large task in front of them, as they consider, negotiate, and settle on the terms that will govern child custody. Divorce is particularly hard for children, and trying to find the right balance that addresses the desires of both parents to have an active role in the child’s life… Read More »

Options When a Parent Exposes a Child to Drugs
Drug and alcohol abuse are issues that can drastically affect a child’s quality of life, but is a situation a child may not be able to recognize or appreciate for its instability and danger. If child custody is shared, this habit is a true concern that needs to be addressed. Obviously, the issue in… Read More »

Will Florida Recognize Your Out-of-State Prenup?
Planning for the future is an integral of marriage, and part of this process should include some consideration of what would happen if things do not work out. Contemplating the possibility of divorce does not have to be viewed as a negative. In fact, prenuptial agreements, the contracts that control the division of property… Read More »

What is Parental Alienation?
Parents generally realize that an environment with lots of conflict is not good for a child’s wellbeing, and divorce can put this knowledge to the test, as it pushes some spouses into highly adversarial positions. However, when children are involved, parents do try to keep things on an even keel to facilitate better cooperation… Read More »

Biological Parental Rights in Florida?
The dynamics of family structure in America have changed drastically over the past 50 years. Families can no longer be assumed to contain married heterosexual couples with children solely from that union. Families are now blended, include many unmarried couples, and children who are not directly related to one another. This transformation of the… Read More »

Who Wins: The Legal or Biological Father?
Recognition as a child’s legal parent, which is typically only an issue for a potential father (mothers automatically receive full custody rights following childbirth), is much more than a formality. Legal parents are the only individuals, without a court order, authorized to make decisions on a child’s behalf related to important matters, such as… Read More »

How to Deal with a Family Court Judge
Divorce is a nerve-wracking experience and full of critical decisions that affect numerous people. In addition, the legal process is mysterious and overwhelming to the average person unfamiliar with its procedure, and the sensitive nature of divorce often serves to increase anxiety about what to expect. One aspect that is particularly concerning to many… Read More »

Can You Undo a Mediated Settlement Agreement?
Divorce is an emotional and draining experience that can be exacerbated by the stresses of litigation. Some couples seek to avoid the potential negative consequences of deciding their case in front a judge by engaging in mediation to reach a settlement agreement. Mediation may be entered into voluntarily or by an order of the… Read More »