Tag Archives: Tampa Bay Divorce Lawyer

What are the Emotional Stages of a Florida Divorce?
Dissolving a marriage is a legal process, but the fact that it is also an emotional one cannot be overlooked. When people get married, they believe they will love and care for each other for the rest of their lives. No one expects it to end in stress, pain, and other complex emotions. Although… Read More »

What Is The Cheapest Way To Get A Divorce In Florida?
Deciding that you want to get a divorce is one of the hardest decisions you will ever make. You may feel a sense of failure, confusion, and emotional pain. Then you realize that not only will ending your marriage affect you personally, it will also impact your finances. It is no secret that divorce… Read More »

Common Misconceptions About Divorce In Florida
There is a lot of information out there surrounding divorce. Most people know of at least one couple that has gotten a divorce, and they may even be close family or friends. When going through a divorce yourself, you may turn to these individuals for advice, or to explain the process to you. However,… Read More »

When do Courts Award Sole Custody?
The default for divorced parents in Florida, and most other states, is that parenting time, formerly referred to broadly as custody, will be shared. While the ideal is that the child spends roughly equal amounts of time with each parent, typically one parent will have primary responsibility for childcare, with the other parent taking… Read More »

Divorcing Later in Life
With approximately 44 percent of Americans going through a divorce at some point, millions of people in this country must make the often difficult transition from married to single. This adjustment is rarely easy, and the longer a couple is married, the more alien it will seem to live without the presence and support… Read More »

Mental Incapacity: The Lesser Known Basis for Divorce
Marriage requires compromise and acceptance of difficult situations if a couple wants it to last, and such sacrifice tends to increase as spouses age. People generally recognize that a spouse will change both physically and psychologically over time, and are willing to stay with the person despite these shifts. However, there may come a… Read More »

Can You Keep the Details of a Divorce Private?
Divorce can leave the participants feeling emotionally and financially vulnerable. These reactions make sense in light of the dramatic changes divorce triggers within a relatively short-period of time – change in residence, change in economic circumstance and change in relationship status. Another difficult reality of divorce is the necessity of releasing private and potentially… Read More »

Figuring Out Property Division in Divorce
Part of a couple’s effort to build a life together includes acquiring property that speaks to the couple’s success and affection for one another. The longer a couple is married obviously affects the variety and amount of property they own together, and will represent the couple’s hard work and sacrifice. Having to split these… Read More »
Appealing a Divorce
The process of divorce can be a long and winding road, especially if children are involved. Consequently, when the divorce decree is finally issued, parties typically feel a sense of relief gained by the knowledge that they can now move past this period in their life. And, for most divorcing couples, the final divorce… Read More »
Traditional vs. Collaborative Divorce: Which Option Is Better for You?
Deciding to divorce is one of the most difficult and painful decisions most people will ever make. Coming to this conclusion is typically the result of a lot of discussion, personal reflection and failed efforts to improve the relationship. Once the decision is made, though, the logistics and practical considerations of getting divorced must… Read More »