Tag Archives: Asset and Debt Attorneys Florida

Are Injury Settlements Considered Marital Assets in a Tampa Florida Divorce?
Florida is an equitable distribution state, meaning that marital assets in divorce are divided fairly, and that does not always mean they are divided equally. Marital assets include property that was obtained during the marriage. When one spouse was hurt due to another person’s negligence during the marriage, they may have obtained a personal… Read More »

What Are Signs Your Spouse Is Hiding Assets During Divorce In Florida?
Of all the different issues that can arise during divorce, those involving the division of assets are perhaps some of the most contentious. Equitable distribution laws govern property division in Florida, which means your marital assets are divided fairly during divorce, but that does not necessarily mean equally. Marital assets are those that you… Read More »

How Can You Protect Your Business During Divorce In Florida?
As a business owner, you have spent years building a successful company. If you are getting a divorce, you may think you will lose it and even just the thought is devastating. You are proud of your business, and it provides an income that has supported your family. You likely hope it will continue… Read More »

What Happens To The Business During Divorce In Florida?
No one wants to think about giving up the assets they value most, but unfortunately, it is an inevitability during divorce. Property division matters are always some of the most highly debated issues during the process. Owning a business that you have worked so hard for, and that is now in jeopardy, can make… Read More »

How Are Gifts Divided During Divorce In Florida?
The division of property is always one of the most complex issues in any divorce case. Under the equitable distribution laws in Florida, marital assets are divided in a fair, but not necessarily equal, manner. One of the most challenging aspects of property division is determining which assets and liabilities are considered marital, and… Read More »

What Happens If You Hide Assets In A Florida Divorce?
People sometimes attempt to obscure or hide assets during a divorce so they are not subject to property division proceedings. If you are considering doing this, it is important that you know that it could have a very negative impact on your divorce case overall. Below, our Tampa property and liability division divorce lawyer… Read More »

How Are Assets Distributed In A Florida Divorce?
There are many issues to resolve during any divorce in Tampa, including the division of marital assets. Many people are under the mistaken belief that when they get a divorce, all assets are divided equally between the two spouses. In Florida, this is not always the case. Although marital assets are divided during any… Read More »

What Is Exclusive Possession Of The Marital Home During Divorce In Florida?
In Florida, there is no legal statute that directly addresses the issue of changing the locks on the doors or who gets to keep the home during an ongoing divorce. Whether one person has the right to keep the house depends on whether they have exclusive possession of the marital home. When a couple… Read More »

What Happens To A Professional Practice Business In A Florida Divorce?
Other than parenting time and other issues involving children, property division issues are some of the most contentious in any divorce. Dividing assets can become fiercely contested in any divorce case, but the potential for dispute is even greater when complex assets, such as a professional practice, are involved. Professionals in Tampa, and throughout… Read More »